Those of you that know me know my love for yoga and how it has enriched my life in every way. One thing it has instilled in me is the ability to see myself in others and to be more open about my life both the struggles and the victories. Yoga opened my eyes to the light not only in myself but also the light within others. 

In my younger life I didn't realize the importance of sisterhood. I was in controlling marriages and consumed with raising children. It almost felt selfish to have more than casual friendships, as a younger woman I wasn't that trusting of others. I felt a sense of competition with other women; she's prettier than me, skinnier, smarter, has more means and opportunities, a better marriage, better sense of style, and the list goes on. 

As I matured as a woman and grew in my practice. I started meeting people through my teaching practice and realized we are so much more alike than we are different. I also have learned that it takes a great amount of strength to be vulnerable and share your story in order to help and strengthen others. I no longer own a yoga studio but I still teach and will forever be a student. My life now will always be rich with sisters because it is my part of my calling in this world.

Light On Photography's latest project 40 over 40 has rekindle my love for sisterhood, the power of women and our need to gather and share our stories. In years past women's circles were essential to the health of communities and for personal growth.

The photography aspect of this project documents the person or persons and gives women the ability to be seen as the powerful force that they are. Growing older does not mean you lose the ability to be powerful, sexual and desirable, it means YOU EMBODY IT. Ladies do not be afraid to be seen, demand it! I have ideas and projects in the works to further help woman be seen and heard.

Do not let your light go dim, pour some fuel on that flame and light the way for others. 

~~Cathy Lighton